Maximum RTP packet loss rate for video packets. High values indicate frozen or choppy video and can be caused by network congestion, exceeding available bandwidth, or wireless congestion or interference.
Make sure that you drain service "{1}" by executing "Stop-CsWindowsService -Name {1} -Graceful" when draining service "{0}". ...
Many security events have been identified by the proxy stack. In the past %1 seconds, %2 security events have been identified ...
Maximum difference between the OverallAvgNetworkMOS and the maximum possible OverallAvgNetworkMOS for the codec used. High ...
Maximum jitter in the arrival time between RTP packets. High jitter values can be caused by congestion or an overloaded media ...
Maximum RTP packet loss rate for video packets. High values indicate frozen or choppy video and can be caused by network ...
Maximum RTP packet loss rate. High loss values can be caused by congestion, exceeding available bandwidth, wireless congestion/interference, ...
Maximum RTP round-trip time between the endpoints. High round-trip time values can be caused by international call routing, ...
Maximum video bit rate. Low values indicate choppy or jerky video and can be caused by high network packet loss, low lighting, ...
may only begin with a letter, underscore, or colon and can only contain letters, digits, underscores, colons, hyphens, and ...