USAGE: regsvcs.exe options AssemblyName Options: /? or /help Display this usage message. /fc Find or create target application ...

USAGE: regsvcs.exe [options] AssemblyName
    /? or /help     Display this usage message.
    /fc             Find or create target application (default).
    /c              Create target application, error if it already exists.
    /exapp          Expect an existing application.
    /tlb:  Filename for the exported type library.
    /appname: Use the specified name for the target application.
    /parname: Use the specified name or id for the target partition.
    /extlb          Use an existing type library.
    /reconfig       Reconfigure existing target application (default).
    /noreconfig     Don't reconfigure existing target application.
    /u              Uninstall target application.
    /nologo         Suppress logo output.
    /quiet          Suppress logo output and success output.
    /componly       Configure components only, no methods or interfaces.
    /appdir:  Set application root directory to specified path.