Returns Accounting Information. 1. wsrmc /Get:Acc /Schema Return Column Names with their type. Also returns Column Names ...

Returns Accounting Information.

 1. wsrmc /Get:Acc /Schema
      Return Column Names with their type. Also returns Column Names that can 
      be aggregated.

 2. wsrmc /Get:Acc [/Select:] [/GroupBy:] 
           [/SortAsc:] [/SortDsc:] 
           [/Sort:'['']'[ASC | DESC]] [/Where:]
           [/Having:] [/Sd:] 
           [/Ed:] [/SaveQuery:] [/o: [/y]]
      Returns the accounting data for the query specified.

      /Select    Returns information about the specified columns(separated by 
      /GroupBy   Produce aggregate values for each row in the result set.  
                 Refer to "wsrmc /get:acc /schema" to get the columns that can 
                 be aggregated.
      /Sort      Sorts result set for multiple columns along with the sorting
                 order.A sort can be ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).
                 If neither is specified, ASC is assumed.
      /SortAsc   Sorts result set in ascending order by one or more columns 
                 up to 5.This command is now deprecated. Use /Sort: command.
                 For more information refer to the help of /get:acc 
      /SortDsc   Sorts result set in descending order by one or more columns 
                 up to 5.This command is now deprecated. Use /Sort: command.
                 For more information refer to the help of /get:acc 
      /Where     Specify the conditions for the result set. Refer to WSRM help 
                 file (CHM file) for detailed information.
      /Having    Specify the conditions for the result set. This must be used 
                 in conjunction with "/Groupby". Refer to WSRM help file (CHM 
                 file) for detailed information.
      /Sd /Ed    Specifies the start date and end date which determines what 
                 accounting data should be displayed. Default date range will 
                 be last 30 days.
      /SaveQuery Saves the current accounting query to the specified file. 
                 Command /Get:Acc /i: can be used for the same query next
      /o         File where accounting data will be saved in CSV format.
      /y         Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an 
                 existing file.

 3. wsrmc /Get:Acc /i: [/o: [/y]]
      Returns the accounting data for the query in 

      /i      Name of the input file from which the query will be read.
      /o      File where accounting data will be saved in CSV format.
      /y      Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing

 4. wsrmc /Get:Acc /Archive: /o: 
           /Sd: /Ed: [/Machine:] [/Del] [/y]
      Archives the accounting data for the specified period.

      /Archive Specifies the type of format in which data must be stored.The 
               valid values are 1 to 7.
               1 => Comma Delimited Text         2 => Tab Delimited Text
               3 => Comma Delimited Unicode Text 4 => Tab Delimited UnicodeText
               5 => SMF UNICODE               6 => SMF ASCII  7 => SMF EBCDIC
      /o       Output file name in which archived data needs to be stored.
      /Sd      Specifies the Start Date for archiving the data. Use the 
               mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) format.
      /Ed      Specifies the End Date for archiving the data. Use the mm/dd/yy 
               (month:day:year) format.
      /Machine Specifies a comma separated list of machine names whose data
               is to be considered. The character '*' needs to be specified to
               refer to all machines logging data to the connected machine.
               If not specified, only data of the local machine is considered.
      /Del     Deletes the archived accounting data from the accounting 
      /y       Suppresses all prompts/warnings.

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