You have chosen to run the Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service in TCP mode. Therefore, the certificate that was previously associated with the Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service is no longer associated with the service.
You have chosen to download the Language Pack Bundle from the Microsoft Web site. This file is over 200 MB and may take a ...
You have chosen to install the Language Pack Bundle from a local drive or a share on your network. After the language packs ...
You have chosen to install the Language Pack Bundle from a local drive or a share on your network. After the language packs ...
You have chosen to retrieve the log for device {0}. If you retrieved the log because you are experiencing a problem synchronizing ...
You have chosen to run the Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service in TCP mode. Therefore, the certificate that was ...
You have created an ECP virtual directory. You also need to create a corresponding OWA virtual directory in the same web ...
You have created an OWA virtual directory. You also need to create a corresponding ECP virtual directory in the same web ...
You have exceeded the available concurrent connections for your account. Try again once your other requests have completed. ...
You have exceeded the available subscriptions for your account. Remove unnecessary subscriptions and try your request again. ...