WS Federation Token Transfer certificate is not configured or invalid. Exception details: %1. Resolution: Ensure that the certificate is configured correctly and service account has access to the certificate private key.
Workflow runtime was created, the necessary workflow services have been added, and the runtime was successfully started. ...
Workflow was terminated because an unhandled exception occurred during its execution. Workflow with GUID '%1' was terminated ...
Writable calculated properties must have SetterDelegate, and non-calculated and read-only properties cannot have SetterDelegate. ...
Writable calculated properties must have SetterDelegate, and non-calculated and read-only properties cannot have SetterDelegate. ...
WS Federation Token Transfer certificate is not configured or invalid. Exception details: %1. Resolution: Ensure that the ...
You are about to delete the last conference directory. Users on this pool won't be able to schedule PSTN conferences anymore. ...
You are attempting to set the bypass ID manually. In most cases, this is computed for you automatically. Setting the bypass ...
You are logged on as a member of the Domain Admins group in the domain that you are preparing or as a member of the Enterprise ...
You are using a web browser or operating system that is not supported for use with Lync Server Control Panel. Please use ...