Shutting down a virtual machine causes a loss of service to any users of the machine. You have chosen to shut down the following virtual machines: %ObjectList;. Do you want to continue?
Setup needs the following hardware and software prerequisites to be present to continue. You can find more information on ...
Setup.exe /client | /server /prep /i /IACCEPTSCEULA /f /VmmServiceDomain /VmmServiceUserName /VmmServiceUserPassword ]| /x ...
Shut down the virtual machine and then try again. If this issue continues, please contact your system administrator with ...
Shut down the virtual machine or select a host destination that has a processor from the same manufacturer and then try the ...
Shutting down a virtual machine causes a loss of service to any users of the machine. You have chosen to shut down the following ...
Shutting down this virtual machine will cause a loss of service to all users of this virtual machine. Do you want to continue? ...
Single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) requires specific hardware. When sufficient hardware resources are not available, ...
Software update %Name; as part of the baseline %BaselineName; for %TargetName; is not exempt. Remove exemption cannot be ...
Some data in the VMM database (for example, Run As account credentials and passwords in guest operating system profiles) ...