Word did not complete validation of this file. Opening it may be dangerous. You should not open this file unless you trust it.OpenCancel
Word cannot |0 because there is a problem with your connection to the Internet. Make sure you are connected to the Internet ...
Word cannot |0. The provider where you are trying to publish is unavailable. Contact your provider for assistance.More Information&OK ...
Word could not load the e-mail envelope. This could be caused by a network connection problem or a problem with your Office ...
Word could not merge the main document with the data source because the data records were empty or no data records matched ...
Word did not complete validation of this file. Opening it may be dangerous. You should not open this file unless you trust ...
Word found no merge fields in your main document. Choose the Edit Main Document button to insert merge fields into your main ...
Word has detected a problem with this file. Opening it may be dangerous. You should not open this file unless you trust it.OpenCancel ...
Word has increased the envelope height or width because it was too small. The minimum envelope dimensions are {e} by {e}. ...
Word has lost data due to a bad network connection or missing floppy. Documents relying on this data are going to be saved ...