Channel requirements cannot be met by the ChannelFactory for Binding '{0}' since the contract requires support for one of these channel types '{1}' but the binding doesn't support any of them.
Changing the Framework version requires a restart of the W3SVC service. Alternatively, you can change the Framework version ...
Changing the result type of a query in a MethodExpression is not supported. Expected a return value of type 'IEnumerable ...
Changing Theme location requires updating the relative paths associated with images. Not updating the paths might result ...
Changing Theme location requires updating the relative paths associated with images. Not updating the paths might result ...
Channel requirements cannot be met by the ChannelFactory for Binding '{0}' since the contract requires support for one of ...
ChannelDispatcher requirements cannot be met by the IChannelListener for Binding '{0}' since the contract requires support ...
ChannelFactory does not support the contract {0} as it defines a callback contract with one or more operations. Please consider ...
Char' values cannot be converted to '|1'. Use 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.AscW' to interpret a character as a Unicode value or ...
CharacterMetrics is not valid. The horizontal advance (defined as the sum of BlackBoxWidth, LeftSideBearing, and RightSideBearing) ...