Stored procedure parameter format is 'parameterName' : 'stringValue' pairs. Please modify the invalid part '{0}' according to the example on .
Specify user name if you are using Windows Authentication, or with Anonymous Authentication without any password protection ...
Status {0} is not valid. Acceptable status values include: Ready, PendingExecution, PendingValidation, Failed, FailedValidation, ...
Stored Procedure activity only supports Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse datasets. Please change your dataset ...
Stored procedure parameter format is 'parameterName' : 'stringValue' pairs. Please modify the invalid part '{0}' according ...
Stored procedure parameter format is 'parameterName' : 'stringValue' pairs. Please modify the invalid part '{0}' according ...
Text format properties "treatEmptyAsNull", "skipLineCount" and "firstRowAsHeader" are not enabled for subscription '{0}'. ...
The "external" property is not supported for your client version. Please use "waitOnExternal" property instead and move it ...
The "externalData" property was not a child of "policy". Please rename it to "waitOnExternal" and move it under "availability". ...
The "index" property of WebTable is "{0}" but the service is expecting an integer value that is larger than or equal to zero. ...