You don't have permission to open '|1' for exclusive use.@|9 is opening the database for shared access. To open a database for exclusive access, you must have Open Exclusive permission for it. For more information on permissions and who can set them, click Help.@@5@1@10222@1
You don't have permission to modify '|.'@To modify this object, you must have Modify Design permission for it. If the object ...
You don't have permission to modify '|.'@To modify this object, you must have Modify Design permission for it. If the object ...
You don't have permission to modify '|.'@To modify this object, you must have Modify Design permission for it. If the object ...
You don't have permission to modify the design of this table.@For more information on permissions and who can set them, click ...
You don't have permission to open '|1' for exclusive use.@|9 is opening the database for shared access. To open a database ...
You don't have permission to read '|.'@To read this object, you must have Read Design permission for it. For more information ...
You don't have permission to rename '|.'@To rename a database object, you must have Modify Design permission for the object. ...
You don't have permission to run '|.'@To run this object, you must have Open/Run permission for it. For more information ...
You don't have permission to update the information in the Meeting Workspace. The workspace administrator must assign you ...