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This database has changed. Some of the fields that you selected can no longer be found in the database. Please reselect the ...
This database has changed. The layout name you selected can no longer be found in the database. Please reselect the layout ...
This database has changed. The table name you selected can no longer be found in the database. Please reselect the table ...
This dialog is for FTP sites, you can enter FTP URLs, like '', or FTP site names, like ''. ...
This document cannot be closed because it is referenced by an open VBA project. You should close the project that references ...
This document cannot be saved as XML because its structure violates the rules set by the schema. In order to solve this problem ...
This document contains a linked audio recording. The recorded audio will not be accessible from within this document in other ...
This document contains letter elements longer than 255 characters. You will not be able to modify these elements using the ...
This document contains macros. Some macros may contain harmful viruses. If you are sure this document is from a trusted source, ...