The operation cannot be completed because the current user does not have sufficient permissions on the SQL Azure logical server. The user must be a SQL Azure service administrator or have the following permissions: VIEW DEFINITION and SELECT ON sys.sql_expression_dependencies.
The operating system returned error %1!s! to SQL Server during a %2!s! at offset %3!s! in file '%4!s!'. Additional messages ...
The operating system returned error %1!s! while creating the file '%2!s!'. Verify that the path exists and that the SQL Server ...
The operating system returned error 5 (ACCESS_DENIED) while creating an ETW tracing session. Ensure that the SQL Server startup ...
The operating system version does not meet the minimum requirements for this product. For more information, see hardware ...
The operation cannot be completed because the current user does not have sufficient permissions on the SQL Azure logical ...
The operation cannot be completed because the file extension is either missing or it is not valid. Valid file extensions ...
The operation cannot be completed because the memory quota estimate (%d{Request/}MB) exceeds the available system memory ...
The operation cannot be executed since the database folder '%{dir_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ...
The operation cannot be executed since the database folder '%{dir_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ...