Type a category to identify the phone call type, such as lead gathering or customer follow-up, to tie the phone call to a business group or function.
Type a category to identify the appointment type, such as sales demo, prospect call, or service call, to tie the appointment ...
Type a category to identify the email type, such as lead outreach, customer follow-up, or service alert, to tie the email ...
Type a category to identify the fax type, such as sales offer or press release, to tie the fax to a business group or function. ...
Type a category to identify the letter type, such as sales offer or past due notice, to tie the letter to a business group ...
Type a category to identify the phone call type, such as lead gathering or customer follow-up, to tie the phone call to a ...
Type a category to identify the recurring appointment type, such as status meeting or service call, to tie the appointment ...
Type a category to identify the task type, such as lead gathering or customer follow up, to tie the task to a business group ...
Type a meaningful name for the email server profile. This name is displayed when you need to select an email server profile. ...
Type a part of the name of each user you want to add to Microsoft Dynamics 365. Use semicolons between names. You can also ...