/BootImagePath: The relative path from the RemoteInstall share to the boot image that this computer should receive. /Domain: ...

[/BootImagePath:]      The relative path from the RemoteInstall
                                      share to the boot image that this
                                      computer should receive.
[/Domain:]                    Specifies the domain to search for
                                      the prestaged device. The default is
                                      the local domain.
[/ResetAccount]                       Resets the permissions on the computer
                                      such so that anyone with appropriate
                                      permissions can join the domain
                                      using this account.

WDSUTIL /Set-Device /Device:Computer1 /ReferralServer:MyWDSServer

WDSUTIL /Verbose /Set-Device /Device:Computer2 /ID:00-B0-56-88-2F-DC
/WdsClientUnattend:WdsClientUnattend\unattend.xml /User:Domain\user
/JoinRights:JoinOnly /JoinDomain:No /BootImagePath:boot\x86\images\boot.wim
/Domain:NorthAmerica /ResetAccount