Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not export the virtual desktop named %1 to the specified location %2. Virtual desktop name: %1 Virtual desktop export location: %2 Hresult: %3
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not detect the guest operating system boot for the virtual machine named %1. Virtual ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not disconnect a user disk for the user account with a SID of %1. Virtual desktop ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not disconnect the virtual disk named %1 from the virtual desktop named %2 while ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not enable session monitoring because automatic virtual machine hibernation using ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not export the virtual desktop named %1 to the specified location %2. Virtual desktop ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not find a domain controller while waiting for boot event from the virtual desktop. ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not find a user disk connected to the virtual desktop named %1 while running a provisioning ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not get the metadata property %2 on the virtual machine with the GUID of %1. Virtual ...
Remote Desktop Virtualization Host could not import the virtual desktop named %1 from the import location %2 while running ...