Retrieve a service principal or a list of service principals from Microsoft Azure Active Directory. Each service principal contains the following information: ObjectId - The unique identifier of the service principal. AppPrincipalId - The application identifier of the service principal. DisplayName - The friendly name of the service principal. ServicePrincipalName - The list of service principal names (SPNs) associated with the service principal. AccountEnabled - The value indicating if the account is enabled.
Restores the user [email protected] from the Deleted users container to the Active users container as [email protected]. ...
Restores the user [email protected] from the Deleted users container to the Active users container, removing any conflicting ...
Restricting the list of applications will reduce the set of attributes synchronized to Azure AD. Additionally, application ...
Resuming the previous initial synchronization job failed. The data in the System Center Data Warehouse has not been properly ...
Retrieve a service principal or a list of service principals from Microsoft Azure Active Directory. Each service principal ...
Retrieves a directory setting object which contains the following information: DisplayName: The name of the setting. TemplateId: ...
Retrieves a directory setting template which contains the following information: Id: The unique string ID of the directory ...
Retrieves the list of credentials associated with a service principal. Each service principal contains the following information: ...
Retrieves the service principal that it added with the following information: ObjectId - The unique identifier of the service ...