Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} [-machine:BackupMachineName] [-restoreAllVolumes] [-recreateDisks] [-excludeDisks] [-skipBadClusterCheck] [-quiet] Runs a system recovery based on the parameters that you specify. -version Specifies the version for the backup to recover in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format, as listed by WBADMIN GET VERSIONS. -backupTarget Specifies the storage location that contains the backup or backups that you want to recover. Useful when the location is different from the location where backups of this computer are usually stored. -machine Specifies the name of the computer for which you want to recover the backup. Useful when multiple computers have been backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified. -restoreAllVolumes Restores all volumes from the selected backup. If the parameter is not specified, only critical volumes (volumes that contain operating system components) are restored from the selected backup. Useful when you need to restore non-critical volumes during system recovery. -recreateDisks Restores a disk configuration to state that existed when the backup was created. WARNING: This parameter deletes all data on volumes that host operating system components. It might also delete data from data volumes. -excludeDisks Valid only when specified with the -recreateDisks parameter. Must be input as a comma-delimited list of disk identifiers (as listed in output of the command WBADMIN GET DISKS). Excluded disks are not partitioned or formatted. This parameter helps to preserve data on disks that you do not want modified during the recovery. -skipBadClusterCheck Skips checking your recovery destination disks for bad cluster information. If you are restoring to an alternate server or hardware, do not use this switch. You can manually run the command CHKDSK /B on your recovery disks at any time to check them for bad clusters, and update the file system information accordingly. Until you run CHKDSK as described, the bad clusters reported on your recovered system may not be accurate. -quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user. Examples: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:d: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\servername\share -machine:server01
Usage: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:{TargetVolume | TargetNetworkShare} -include:VolumesToInclude -allCritical -user:UserName ...
Usage: WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -items:VolumesToRecover|AppsToRecover|FilesOrFoldersToRecover -itemtype:{Volume ...
Usage: WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -items:VolumesToRecover|AppsToRecover|FilesOrFoldersToRecover -itemtype:{Volume ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget:{VolumeName} -quiet Runs a system state backup based on the options ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -showsummary -backupTarget:{VolumeName | NetworkSharePath} ...
Usage: WBADMIN STOP JOB -quiet Cancels currently running backup or recovery. Canceled jobs cannot be restarted. -quiet Runs ...
Usage: WBADMIN STOP JOB -quiet Stops the currently running backup or recovery jobs. Stopped jobs cannot be restarted. -quiet ...