Help: release Triggers a release using the provided information. {0} release {[-tfs teamFoundationServerUrl -tp teamProjectName ...


release  Triggers a release using the provided information.

{0} release {{[-tfs teamFoundationServerUrl -tp teamProjectName -bd buildDefinitionName -bn buildNumber] | [-rt ReleaseTemplateName -pl PackageLocation [-an AppendComponentName] [-ff FireAndForget]]}} [-ts TargetStage]


  -tfs     [TFS Mode] URL to the Team Foundation Server. The URL should include
           the collection if other than default.
  -tp      [TFS Mode] Name of the Team Project  for which the build was
  -bd      [TFS Mode] Name of the Build Definition used for the build.
  -bn      [TFS Mode] Build Number representing the specific build instance
           that generated the application components to release.
  -rt      [Package Location Mode] Name of the release template used to create 
           a new release.
  -pl      [Package Location Mode] Package location of the components
  -ts      [Optional] Name of the Target Stage where the release
           should stop.
  -ff      [Package Location Mode] [Optional] When set to True the command will 
           return without waiting for the deployment in the first stage. Default 
           is False: wait for the result.
  -an      [Package Location Mode] [Optional] In case where the Release 
           Template has component that 'Builds Externally', when set to true, 
           the component name will be appended at the end of the Package Location.


{0} release -tfs http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -tp "My Project" -bd "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual" -bn "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual_20101119.8"

{0} release -tfs http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -tp "My Project" -bd "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual" -bn "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual_20101119.8" -ts "DEV"

{0} release -rt "My Release Template" -pl "//share/drop/version"

{0} release -rt "My Release Template" -pl "//share/drop/version" -ts "DEV" -ff False -an True