Help: release Triggers a release using the provided information. {0} release {{[-tfs teamFoundationServerUrl -tp teamProjectName -bd buildDefinitionName -bn buildNumber] | [-rt ReleaseTemplateName -pl PackageLocation [-an AppendComponentName] [-ff FireAndForget]]}} [-ts TargetStage] Where: -tfs [TFS Mode] URL to the Team Foundation Server. The URL should include the collection if other than default. -tp [TFS Mode] Name of the Team Project for which the build was triggered. -bd [TFS Mode] Name of the Build Definition used for the build. -bn [TFS Mode] Build Number representing the specific build instance that generated the application components to release. -rt [Package Location Mode] Name of the release template used to create a new release. -pl [Package Location Mode] Package location of the components -ts [Optional] Name of the Target Stage where the release should stop. -ff [Package Location Mode] [Optional] When set to True the command will return without waiting for the deployment in the first stage. Default is False: wait for the result. -an [Package Location Mode] [Optional] In case where the Release Template has component that 'Builds Externally', when set to true, the component name will be appended at the end of the Package Location. Examples: {0} release -tfs http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -tp "My Project" -bd "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual" -bn "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual_20101119.8" {0} release -tfs http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -tp "My Project" -bd "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual" -bn "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual_20101119.8" -ts "DEV" {0} release -rt "My Release Template" -pl "//share/drop/version" {0} release -rt "My Release Template" -pl "//share/drop/version" -ts "DEV" -ff False -an True
Help Improve Setup You can submit information about your Visual Studio setup experiences to Microsoft. To participate, check ...
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Help us improve {0} and the rest of the Visual Studio Family of Software by joining CEIP. CEIP allows us to collect information ...
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Help: release Triggers a release using the provided information. {0} release {[-tfs teamFoundationServerUrl -tp teamProjectName ...
Helps you determine the status of each build. Shows a list of builds with test results, test coverage, code churn, and quality ...
Helps you track changes in the quality of the code that the team has checked in. Shows test results for the last build of ...
Helps you track changes in the quality of the code that the team has checked in. Shows test results for the last build of ...
Helps you track how effectively the team is resolving bugs. Shows the number of bugs that the team resolved over time in ...