Specify the SMTP mail server to use for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation e-mail-based notifications for alerts, invitations, and administrator notifications. Personalize the From address and Reply-to address.
Specify the servers to be used for indexing (crawling content). Additional index servers can be added later using the 'Edit' ...
Specify the settings for the new Secure Store Target Application. The settings that you specify here can be changed later ...
Specify the severity level of errors included in the log file created when loading layouts for SmartArt graphic layouts. ...
Specify the SMTP mail server to use for alerts, invitations, and administrator notifications. Specify the From e-mail address ...
Specify the SMTP mail server to use for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation e-mail-based notifications for alerts, invitations, ...
Specify the template for passing queries on this location. In the template, the case-sensitive parameter "{0}" represents ...
Specify the template for passing queries to the OpenSearch location's URL. In the template, the case-sensitive parameter ...
Specify the types of data changes that will generate e-mail notifications. You can can also specify recipients for these ...
Specify the URL for the top-level Web site that you want to delete, then click OK to completely delete this site, all its ...