Action Fade in to Visual Studio 2012 with Test Explorer open, a test class in the code editor, and Solution Explorer open. ...

Fade in to Visual Studio 2012 with Test Explorer open, a test class in the code editor, and Solution Explorer open. As dialogue begins pan in and zoom to the Test Explorer.

Writing unit tests in Visual Studio has never been easier. Visual Studio 2012 features the new Test Explorer window, a fast running, easy to use interface to your unit tests.

Choose Rebuild Solution from the Project menu. Show Test Explorer adding new Test.

As new tests are written they are automatically discovered and added to Test Explorer during build.

Choose Run All in Test Explorer. Show Red/Green bar animation. A test fails (Red)

You can run all of your tests with a single click. Test runs execute in the background with no impact on IDE responsiveness. 

Click on a failed test. Show details. Show code editor displaying test code.

Failed tests are visibly called out in red and grouped together. Selecting a test in the Test Explorer shows you the details and the code is just a double click away.

Change some code, rebuild, and choose Run Failed Tests from the Test Explorer window. (make sure not 100% of tests are run. Some test should be shown as still failing, some previously failed as pass and some as stale).

After fixing failed test cases and building, you can choose to run just the failed tests. The Test Explorer provides you a number of different ways to run your tests. Tests which were not included in the last run are easy to identify because they are greyed out.

Type a search term into the search box. Show the listed tests change. Select a predefined filter by file path and filter results.

To quickly find tests of interest, you can use a search box to filter the tests displayed. You can search by properties of the test like FileName or Result.

Click the group by to swap from status grouping to runtime grouping.

You can change the way your tests are grouped. Here we group by run time to find slow tests.

Show NUnit test code in the editor. Start zoomed in on the NUnit using statement zoom out to show NUnit test code.

A major goal of the Visual Studio 2012 test experience is to enable developers to use the tools and processes that they are comfortable with. So, in addition to the "in-the-box" managed and C++ unit testing frameworks, you can install extensions to support third party frameworks.

Choose Tools |  Extensions and Updates. Search online extensions for "unit test". Show multiple existing 3rd party frameworks, NUnit, xUnit, Chutzpah. 

You can install most third party frameworks right from the Visual Studio IDE by using the Extension Manager and the Visual Studio Gallery.

Show Solution Explorer with multiple third party test project (NUnitTestProject, CppFooTestProject i.e. project names that include the framework name)

The Test Explorer supports running any combination of tests from a mixture of test frameworks.

Choose Test/Code Coverage. Show the code coverage results window. (continue to use a solution that has a mixture of 3rd party framework tests.)

Code coverage is a valuable unit test metric. You can now get code coverage results for all your tests with a single click. 

Show a solution with an untestable dependency highlighted in code. Includes both a interface (stubable) dependency and a (shimable) System.DateTime.Now.

Show some system code. 2 methods 1 with a (stubable) interface. 1 with DateTime.Now (shimable)

Pause then pan to Solution Explorer. Right click to generate a fakes assembly.

A common problem when writing unit testing is isolating your unit test code from the behavior of external dependencies. Developers frequently spend a lot of time creating test doubles that provide predefined behaviors and values for external dependencies. In Visual Studio Ultimate you can use the Fakes framework to simplify this task.

Pan back to unit test code. Type in delegate override for a stub.

The Fakes framework will generate stubs, which are strongly typed implementations of interfaces and abstract classes. Providing the implementation is as simple as assigning a delegate.

Scroll to the next test using ShimDateTime.NowGet.  

The Fakes framework provides shims that allow you to override the behavior of almost any .Net method using runtime interception and detouring.

You provide these overrides in the same way as before, by assigning a delegate. 

Mouse over the Run Tests After build button on Test Explorer window, show tooltip, and toggle it on.

With a single click you can turn on the continuous test runner which will run your tests automatically after you build.

Choose Build / Rebuild Solution. Show build complete and test running.

The continuous test runner is optimized to get you results quickly by running the most important tests first. When those have passed it runs all your tests.

Zoom over to a test run in progress with huge number of tests coming in. 

The Test Explorer in Visual Studio 2012 makes running and interacting with your tests easier and faster than ever before.  The continuous test runner makes running your tests a part of the build so you don't have to think about it. The Fakes framework makes it easier to verify code that is hard to test because of difficult external dependencies.