%11A non-critical problem occurred while SMS Site Control Manager was processing delta site control file %1.%12 Possible cause: The file could be unnecessarily processed again, or it might temporarily seem that the site has not been fully reconfigured. Solution: Both of these problems will be resolved the next time a new delta site control file arrives at "%2" for processing, or the next time SMS Site Control Manager is restarted, whichever comes first. You can force this to occur immediately by stopping and restarting SMS Site Control Manager using the SMS Service Manager application.%0
A new program is available that will will begin installation when you log on next. For more information or to install the ...
A new SMS GUID has been generated for this computer: %1. The previous GUID for this computer was: %2. The new GUID generated ...
A new software metering client was detected by the software metering server "%1" (Computer "%2", User "%3") at "%4".%12%0 ...
A newer version of the Configuration Manager Client is installed. Cannot continue installing this version of the management ...
A non-critical problem occurred while SMS Site Control Manager was processing delta site control file %1.%12 Possible cause: ...
A program has finished running and requires that you log off. To log off now, first close all running programs and then click ...
A program has finished running and requires that your computer be restarted. To restart your computer now, first close all ...
A program is currently being downloaded, but it is okay to disconnect your computer if it is necessary. Double-click here ...
A program may require certain conditions to be true before it can run. Specify the conditions that must be met for the program ...