Usage: DnsCmd/Config Server : /RpcProtocol /LogLevel /LogFilePath /LogIPFilterList /LogFileMaxSize /EventlogLevel /NoRecursion /BootMethod /ForwardDelegations /ForwardingTimeout /IsSlave /SecureResponses /RecursionRetry /RecursionTimeout /MaxCacheTtl /MaxCacheSize /MaxNegativeCacheTtl /RoundRobin /LocalNetPriority /AddressAnswerLimit /BindSecondaries /WriteAuthorityNs /NameCheckFlag /StrictFileParsing /UpdateOptions /DisableAutoReverseZones /SendPort /XfrConnectTimeout /DsPollingInterval /DsTombstoneInterval /ScavengingInterval /DefaultAgingState /DefaultNoRefreshInterval /DefaultRefreshInterval /EnableDnsSec /EnableEDnsProbes /EDnsCacheTimeout /DisableNSRecordsAutoCreation Zone : /SecureSecondaries /AllowUpdate -- 0: no updates; 1: unsecure updates; 2: secure updates only /Aging /RefreshInterval /NoRefreshInterval /ForwarderTimeout /ForwarderSlave /AllowNSRecordsAutoCreation : New property value. Use 0x prefix to indicate hex value. Note some server and zone DWORD properties must be reset as part of a more complex operation.
Usage: DISSOCIATE CONTROLLERS , ,. DISSOCIATE PORTS - , - ,. DISSOCIATE TARGETS , ,. Specifies the specified controllers, ...
Usage: DnsCmd /%1!S! . Tests remote DNS server IP addresses Context can be one of: /DnsServers- test that IPs are DNS servers ...
Usage: DnsCmd /%1!S! Options Configures DNS server and client using the current DNS client settings Options can be one or ...
Usage: DnsCmd /AgeAllRecords /Tree /f - - FQDN of a zone - name or node or subtree in which to enable aging - "@" for zone ...
Usage: DnsCmd /Config Server : /RpcProtocol /LogLevel /LogFilePath /LogIPFilterList /LogFileMaxSize /EventlogLevel /NoRecursion ...
Usage: DnsCmd /CreateBuiltinDirectoryPartitions Option must be one of: /Domain - Creates the built-in domain-wide DNS directory ...
Usage: DnsCmd /CreateDelegationInParent Flags /NewForest - promoting first DC in new forest /NewTree - promoting first DC ...
Usage: DnsCmd /EnumRecords - FQDN of zone node to enumerate /RootHints for roots-hints enumeration /Cache for cache enumeration ...
Usage: DnsCmd /EnumZones . Filters: /Primary - primary zones /Secondary - secondary zones /Forwarder - conditional forwarding ...