For the first 30 days of the disabled period, admins have full access to their subscription. For the remaining 30 days, admins will have read-only access.
For specific instructions on how to configure the Autodiscover record at various DNS hosting providers, see Create DNS records ...
For the 'Completed dispositions' page to display the list of items that you delete during a disposition review, you must ...
For the best mail client experience in a hybrid deployment, we recommend %BRAND_PC% users have the desktop version of %BRAND_OUTLOOK_SHORT% ...
For the fastest support, we recommend creating an online ticket. If you'd rather call us instead, you'll be required to provide ...
For the first 30 days of the disabled period, admins have full access to their subscription. For the remaining 30 days, admins ...
For this task, you create a migration file that contains a list of Gmail mailboxes to migrate to %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%. ...
For this task, you create a migration file that contains a list of mailboxes to migrate to %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%. Because ...
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-DeploymentLocator field isn't valid. Correct the value in your local Active Directory ...
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-Line field isn't in the correct format. Correct the format in your local Active ...