An error occurred while attempting to set one or more of the parameters in this workbook. As a result, none of the parameters have been set.
An error occurred while attempting to move a message to the '%.64s' folder. The move was not successful. Message Subject ...
An error occurred while attempting to open the remote server farm, |0. If this farm is no longer in use, delete the cache ...
An error occurred while attempting to perform this operation. Reload the workbook, and then try to perform this operation ...
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a service application proxy for the Secure Store Service. Error details: %1 ...
An error occurred while attempting to set one or more of the parameters in this workbook. As a result, none of the parameters ...
An error occurred while attempting to update audience membership. Unable to retrieve group membership from Active Directory ...
An error occurred while checking for the status of a Data Macro.@To view the error, look up the DataMacroInstanceID '|1' ...
An error occurred while communicating with the server. Check connectivity with your administrator to determine whether further ...
An error occurred while configuring the distribution group. To try again, go to the People and Groups page, select this group, ...