New dictionaries and changes to dictionaries may take several minutes to appear. If your query should match a dictionary and isn't here, please wait a while and try again.
Multiple Search Service Application types have been selected, resulting in the removal of some monitoring data fields. Select ...
Name and description of the crawled property. This information on the crawled property is emitted by the filter of protocol ...
Name and description of the crawled property. This information on the crawled property is emitted by the filter or protocol ...
Names must be unique at each administrative level. For example, two result sources in a site cannot share a name, but one ...
New dictionaries and changes to dictionaries may take several minutes to appear. If your query should match a dictionary ...
No analytics processing components available. Please verify that the analytics processing component hosts are up and that ...
No connection available to specified content processing endpoint at %1. Check that a content processing component is running ...
No included language files were loaded for locale ({0}) or the site's default language ({1}) for string ID ({2}). Please ...
No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the ...