Occurs when a request for a lock times out because another transaction holds a blocking lock on the required resource. The time-out duration is determined by the @@LOCK_TIMEOUT system function. Use this event to help troubleshoot blocking issues.
Occurs when a query tries to get more memory grant during execution. Failure to get this additional memory grant may cause ...
Occurs when a query uses a bitmap filter and the bitmap filter is disabled. Use this event to troubleshoot performance problems ...
Occurs when a queue monitor starts an activation stored procedure, sends a QUEUE_ACTIVATION notification, or when an activation ...
Occurs when a record is added to the SQL Server transaction log. This is a very high volume event that will affect the performance ...
Occurs when a request for a lock times out because another transaction holds a blocking lock on the required resource. The ...
Occurs when a request for a lock times out because of a blocking lock that is being held by a different resource. This event ...
Occurs when a request to load an assembly is executed. This can be useful when troubleshooting a query that uses CLR, when ...
Occurs when a request to load an assembly is executed. Use this event to troubleshoot queries that are running common language ...
Occurs when a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request that was sent from a client application through the transaction management interface ...