In the example below, the "Replace" transform will replace the entiresection of your web.config file. Note that because there is only one customErrors section under the node, there is no need to use the "xdt:Locator" attribute.
In the constructor of {0}, change the value of argument {1}, which is currently an empty string ("), to something that can ...
In the Database list, click the database you want to connect to. If you want to connect to a specific cube in that database, ...
In the Database list, click the database you want to connect to. If you want to connect to a specific table in that database, ...
In the Database list, click the database you want to connect to. If you want to connect to a specific table or cube, make ...
In the example below, the "Replace" transform will replace the entire section of your web.config file. Note that because ...
In the example below, the "SetAttributes" transform will change the value of "connectionString" to use "ReleaseSQLServer" ...
In the future, this account will be used automatically to open protected documents. You can change this setting later. Your ...
In the script that you provided to the import operation, one or more statements were not fully understood. These statements ...
In the text editor below, you can input static text and any number of keywords. A keyword is a special formatted character ...