%11Synchronization component failed: Unable to write to %2. Type = %1. Possible cause: Typically, this error results when the software update inventory tool synchronization component does not have network access to the package source folder for package ID %3. Solution: To prevent this, keep the package source folder on the same computer as the synchronization component.%12%0
Synchronization component failed: the synchronization component (type = %1) failed to download %2, error code: %3. Possible ...
Synchronization component failed: the synchronization component failed to update the Distribution Points for the catalog ...
Synchronization component failed: the synchronization component failed to update the Site Database for the catalog (type ...
Synchronization component failed: Unable to read from %2. Type = %1. Possible cause: Typically, this error results when the ...
Synchronization component failed: Unable to write to %2. Type = %1. Possible cause: Typically, this error results when the ...
Syncml(202): Accepted for processing. The request to either run a remote execution of an application or to alert a user or ...
Syncml(203): Non-authoritative response. The request is being responded to by an entity other than the one targeted. The ...
Syncml(204): The request was successfully completed but no data is being returned. The response code is also returned in ...
Syncml(205): The source SHOULD update their content. The originator of the request is being told that their content SHOULD ...