A Kerberos Error Message was received: on logon session %1 Client Time: %2 Server Time: %3 Error Code: %4 %5 Extended Error: %6 Client Realm: %7 Client Name: %8 Server Realm: %9 Server Name: %10 Target Name: %11 Error Text: %12 File: %13 Line: %14 Error Data is in record data.
A homegroup can only be created on a Home network. To change your network location, open Network and Sharing Center in Control ...
A homegroup links computers on your home network so that you can share pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers. ...
A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested. Account Information: Account Name: %1 Supplied Realm Name: %2 User ...
A Kerberos authentication ticket request failed. Account Information: Account Name: %1 Supplied Realm Name: %2 Service Information: ...
A Kerberos Error Message was received: on logon session %1 Client Time: %2 Server Time: %3 Error Code: %4 %5 Extended Error: ...
A Kerberos service ticket request failed. Account Information: Account Name: %1 Account Domain: %2 Service Information: Service ...
A Kerberos service ticket was renewed. Account Information: Account Name: %1 Account Domain: %2 Service Information: Service ...
A Kerberos service ticket was requested. Account Information: Account Name: %1 Account Domain: %2 Logon GUID: %10 Service ...
A Language targeting item allows a preference item to be applied to computers or users only if the locale specified in the ...