%1!s! [ id = ] shv id [ [ unreachablepolicyserver = ] NONCOMPLIANT|COMPLIANT [ unreachableremediationserver = ] NONCOMPLIANT|COMPLIANT [ shafailure = ] NONCOMPLIANT|COMPLIANT [ napserverfailure = ] NONCOMPLIANT|COMPLIANT [ othererrors = ] NONCOMPLIANT|COMPLIANT ] Sets system health validator configuration. id - the id of the shv (required). unreachablepolicyserver - the error returned when the shv's policy server cannot be contacted (optional). NONCOMPLIANT - client treated as noncompliant (default). COMPLIANT - client treated as compliant. unreachableremediationserver - the error returned when the sha cannot contact the remediation server and thus cannot successfully remediate clients (optional). NONCOMPLIANT - client treated as noncompliant (default). COMPLIANT - client treated as compliant. shafailure - the error returned when the sha has an internal failure (optional). NONCOMPLIANT - client treated as noncompliant (default). COMPLIANT - client treated as compliant. napserverfailure - the error returned when the nap server has an internal failure (optional). NONCOMPLIANT - client treated as noncompliant (default). COMPLIANT - client treated as compliant. othererrors - all other errors in the system (optional). NONCOMPLIANT - client treated as noncompliant (default). COMPLIANT - client treated as compliant. Example: %1!s! id = "79744"
s! group = group url = url newurl = url Renames the URL of an existing trusted server in a specified trusted server group. ...
s! group = group url = url processingorder = processingorder Adds the URL to a trusted server group. group - Specifies the ...
s! group = group url = url processingorder = processingorder Sets the configuration of a trusted server. group - Specfies ...
s! ID = id ADMIN = ENABLE|DISABLE Enables or disables enforcement clients. You can specify one or more enforcement clients, ...
s! id = shv id unreachablepolicyserver = NONCOMPLIANT|COMPLIANT unreachableremediationserver = NONCOMPLIANT|COMPLIANT shafailure ...
s! index range of service %2!s! is corrupted. The first DWORD in the Data section contains the first index value used and ...
s! ipv4rtrtype= lanonly | lananddd | none ipv6rtrtype= lanonly | lananddd | none rastype= IPV4 | IPV6 | BOTH | NONE Sets ...
s! is not a valid NetBIOS name. The name must be 15 or less characters and not contain any of the following characters /\[]:|<>+=;?,*%0 ...
s! method = AUTO|POOL Sets the method by which the Remote Access server assigns IP addresses to its clients. method - the ...