A standard way to export calendar information is with an ICS (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling) file, sometimes referred to as iCalendar (iCal). When you export your calendar from your old system, it will most likely be in this format. If you export from %BRAND_OUTLOOK_SHORT%, you can also choose to export calendar information as part of a PST file. The links below show steps users can perfrom for exporting calendars associated with %BRAND_OUTLOOK_SHORT% clients.
A server running %BRAND_WINDOWS_SHORT% Server 2012 R2 or higher on which to run the %BRAND_AAD_CONNECT_SHORT% tool. This ...
A single CSV file can contain up to {0} users. Reduce the number of users in your CSV file, or create multiple smaller files ...
A single file can contain up to {0} users. Reduce the number of users in your file, or create multiple smaller files and ...
A single-labeled DNS domain prepared for Exchange was detected. This isn't a recommended configuration. You should plan to ...
A standard way to export calendar information is with an ICS (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling) file, sometimes referred ...
A status of Failed indicates that the task wasn't completed. If the task fails, review the summary for an explanation, and ...
A status of Failed indicates that the task wasn't completed. If the task fails, review the summary for an explanation, and ...
A status of Failed indicates that the task wasn't completed. If the task fails, review the summary for an explanation, and ...
A string value called 'Version' was found under the MSMapiApps key in the registry. This configuration can cause problems ...