Setup cannot install this version of Visual Studio because it is not compatible with the version that is already installed.
Settings with warning icons might expose intellectual property or other sensitive information. By default, these settings ...
setup also installs the following components. - Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta 2 - Microsoft "Avalon" Beta 1 - Microsoft ...
Setup cannot continue because one of the required service applications is disabled. To continue, please ensure that the service ...
Setup cannot continue becausea previous installation requires your computer to be restarted. Please restart your computer ...
Setup cannot install this version of Visual Studio because it is not compatible with the version that is already installed. ...
Setup could not restart the machine. Possible causes are insufficient priviledges, or an application rejected the restart. ...
Setup had detected that pidgen.dll file is missing. This file is critical to running setup. Please verify that the files ...
Setup has completed successfully. It is highly recommended that you download and install the latest service packs and security ...
Setup has detected that some of the system components that are installed on your computer do not match the versions required ...