Could not resolve ManagementPackSecureReference with ID {0} to a UserAccount instance. The ManagementPackSecureReference is invalid. Please ensure that the references in the ManagementPackSecureReference are still valid.
Could not locate the hosting relationship for the class (ID={0}). Set Hosted='false' or specify a hosting relationship for ...
Could not open the specified file because Microsoft Excel is not installed. Please install Microsoft Excel or the free { ...
Could not re-register Service Manager Data Warehouse with Service Manager installation after failed deletion of Data Warehouse ...
Could not resolve ManagementPackObjectTemplate with ID {0} to an EmailTemplate instance. The object template is invalid. ...
Could not resolve ManagementPackSecureReference with ID {0} to a UserAccount instance. The ManagementPackSecureReference ...
Could not resolve NotificationSubscription with ID {0} to a Subscription instance. The subscription is invalid. Please ensure ...
Could not retrieve SLO calendar from the system. This can happen when SLO calendar was either deleted or not created through ...
Could not retrieve SLO information from the system. This can happen when SLO was either deleted or not created through console. ...
Could not retrieve SLO metric end property from the system. This can happen when SLO metric was either deleted or not created ...