Your certificate(s) and the corresponding key(s) are being backed up. If you didn't start the process, press CANCEL. Press OK to confirm.
Your battery is low (%1!u!%). If you need to continue using your computer, either plug in your computer, or shut it down ...
Your Briefcase appears to be in use. Try closing the window with your Briefcase and then opening or saving the file again. ...
Your CableCARD does not have necessary data to tune to this channel. Please close Windows Media Center and restart your computer ...
Your certificate request has been received. However, you must wait for an administrator to issue the certificate you requested. ...
Your certificate(s) and the corresponding key(s) are being backed up. If you didn't start the process, press CANCEL. Press ...
Your changes have not been applied. To continue, add or update the information in the highlighted pane below, or click Cancel ...
Your computer and Extender device are both using wireless networks. At least one of these should be connected to a wired ...
Your computer can be configured for Away Mode, which is a high-availability power setting that will allow your Extender to ...
Your computer can not eject at this time as there will be no remaining power sources (batteries) to keep the computer running ...