ID2080: Cannot resolve the SecurityKeyIdentifier to a SecurityKey with the given SecurityTokenResolver. SecurityTokenResolver: '{0}', SecurityKeyIdentifier: '{1}'.
ID2076: The computed lifetime has a creation time of '{0}' and an expiration time of '{1}'. This creation time is more that ...
ID2077: The computed lifetime has a creation time of '{0}' and an expiration time of '{1}'. The expiration time is before ...
ID2078: The computed lifetime has a creation time of '{0}' and an expiration time of '{1}'. This produces a time span greater ...
ID2079: SecurityTokenService.SecurityTokenDescriptor.SigningCredentials is null. Specify a valid credential to sign the issued ...
ID2080: Cannot resolve the SecurityKeyIdentifier to a SecurityKey with the given SecurityTokenResolver. SecurityTokenResolver: ...
ID2081: SecurityTokenService does not implement asynchronous behavior. Override BeginGetOutputClaimsIdentity/EndGetOutputClaimsIdentity ...
ID2083: IssuerName cannot be null or empty. Create SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration with a valid TokenIssuerName or override ...
ID2084: Cannot create EncryptingCredentials from the specified proof encryption token '{0}'. Override SecurityTokenServi ...
ID3002: WSTrustServiceContract could not create a SecurityTokenService instance from WSTrustServiceContract.SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration. ...