The load balancer is already being managed by Virtual Machine Manager. Contact your VMM administrator for details about this error.
The load balancer for virtual machine tier configuration %TierConfigName; uses a network load balancer template that requires ...
The load balancer for virtual machine tier configuration %TierConfigName; uses a network load balancer template that requires ...
The load balancer for virtual machine tier configuration %TierConfigName; uses a network load balancer template that requires ...
The load balancer for virtual machine tier configuration %TierConfigName; uses a network load balancer template that requires ...
The load balancer is already being managed by Virtual Machine Manager. Contact your VMM administrator for details about this ...
The load balancer virtual IP address (VIP) template cannot be removed because it is referenced by one or more load balancer ...
The LocalAdministratorCredential or DomainJoinCredential property for the guest operating system profile or template is not ...
The location and host cannot be specified for the virtual machine configuration (%Name;) because it is configured to be hosted ...
The logical switch supports teaming which means if you connect more than one physical adapter they will work together as ...