The message queue transport could not be initialized. This is typically caused by not using the provided TfsmqServiceHost class or failure to apply the TfsmqPollBehavior to the service.
The message has a column number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no starting column number, or non-negative ...
The message has a line number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no starting line number, or non-negative in ...
The message has an ending column number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no ending column number, or non-negative ...
The message has an ending line number that is out of range. It can be -1 to indicate no ending line number, or non-negative ...
The message queue transport could not be initialized. This is typically caused by not using the provided TfsmqServiceHost ...
The MessageSort property value for the following Message element is not supported: {0}. This value was imported into the ...
The method "{0}" in class "{1}" marked as a server-level trigger cannot be auto deployed because server-level trigger deployment ...
The method "{0}" in class "{1}" marked as a table-valued function must define a table definition in the SqlFunction attribute. ...
The method '{0}' has curried arguments but has the same name as another method in this type. Methods with curried arguments ...