Cannot initialize the following SharePoint project item: '{0}'. This item requires a type provider that has the following ID, but this provider could not be found: '{1}'. Reinstall the extension that provides this item type, or remove the item from your project.
Cannot initialize CommonStructureAdapter: the HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance is not set. IWarehouseAdapter.Initialize() ...
Cannot initialize listening for ASP.NET instrumentation. Exception was thrown: {0}. Code coverage data for ASP.NET projects ...
Cannot initialize post instrumentation for the ASP.NET project '{0}'. Exception was thrown: {1} The code coverage data for ...
Cannot initialize post instrumentation for the ASP.NET project '{0}'. The code coverage data for this project may be incomplete. ...
Cannot initialize the following SharePoint project item: '{0}'. This item requires a type provider that has the following ...
Cannot initialize type '%1!ls!' with a collection initializer because it does not implement 'System.Collections.IEnumerable' ...
Cannot install add-in. The add-in was being installed when ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.InstallAddIn was called, which ...
Cannot install the primary interop assemblies that are required for this project. The project will not be created. To create ...
Cannot install this assembly into the global assembly cache: %s. The assembly could not be found at this build location: ...