This policy setting allows you to manage a list of add-ons to be allowed or denied by Internet Explorer. This list can be ...

"This policy setting allows you to manage a list of add-ons to be allowed or denied by Internet Explorer.

This list can be used with the 'Deny all add-ons unless specifically allowed in the Add-on List' policy setting, which defines whether add-ons not listed here are assumed to be denied.

If you enable this policy setting, you can enter a list of add-ons to be allowed or denied by Internet Explorer. For each entry that you add to the list, enter the following information:

Name of the Value - the CLSID (class identifier) for the add-on you wish to add to the list.  The CLSID should be in brackets for example, ‘{000000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000}'. The CLSID for an add-on can be obtained by reading the OBJECT tag from a Web page on which the add-on is referenced.

Value - A number indicating whether Internet Explorer should deny or allow the add-on to be loaded. To specify that an add-on should be denied enter a 0 (zero) into this field. To specify that an add-on should be allowed, enter a 1 (one) into this field. To specify that an add-on should be allowed and also permit the user to manage the add-on through Add-on Manager, enter a 2 (two) into this field.

If you disable this policy setting, the list is deleted. The 'Deny all add-ons unless specifically allowed in the Add-on List' policy setting will still determine whether add-ons not in this list are assumed to be denied."
English (United States)