The file on disk changed but was not reloaded, so the changes on disk will be lost if the current changes are saved. Do you want to overwrite the document on disk?
The file name specified contains characters that are not permitted. File names cannot be named '.' or '.', cannot contain ...
The file name, location, or format '|' is not valid because it contains spaces or commas. Type the file name and location ...
The file name, location, or format '|' is not valid. Type the file name and location in the correct format, such as c:\location\file ...
The file named "{0}" does not have a known extension. Managed resource files must end in .ResX, .restext, .txt, or .resources. ...
The file on disk changed but was not reloaded, so the changes on disk will be lost if the current changes are saved. Do you ...
The file operation of %1!.450s! was performed out of order. The file was operated on as order %2!d! but was marked as order ...
The file or folder name "%1!.255s!" contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Common invalid characters include ...
The file or folder name '%1!.450s!' is too long. The URL path for all files and folders must be %2!d! characters or less ...
The file that implements the ActiveX control "%ls" could not be loaded. Reinstall or register the control and try again. ...