Unable to copy the current user's security settings. Error code: {0}.Please run the Microsoft Online Services Configuration Wizard again. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Online Services Technical Support.
Unable to connect to Microsoft Office 365 because some components are missing. To ensure that you have the necessary components, ...
Unable to connect to Microsoft Office 365. Please verify that your Office 365 administrator credentials (user name and password) ...
Unable to convert this user. This command can be used only for a user account in a domain that was converted from using standard ...
Unable to copy the current user's security settings. Error code: {0}.Please run the Microsoft Online Services Configuration ...
Unable to copy the current user's security settings. Error code: {0}.Please run the Microsoft Online Services Configuration ...
Unable to delete some security groups because they are synchronized with your local Active Directory or they are system security ...
Unable to download and install the certificate for {0}. A second attempt will be made shortly. If you cannot access your ...
Unable to find the federation settings of this domain because it is a subdomain. Use the Get-MsolDomain cmdlet to find the ...
Unable to look up user {0} with NT-style credentials. Try 'UserName@domain.com' or contact Microsoft Online Services Technical ...