There is no account configured in Windows Fax and Scan. Save this fax as draft, configure an account in Windows Fax and Scan, open the draft and then try sending.
There is less than 50 megabytes (MB) of free disk space on your computer. It is recommended that you cancel Setup, delete ...
There is more data to return than will fit in the supplied buffer. Allocate a larger buffer and call the function again. ...
There is more than one active network connection on your computer If one of the connections is not configured properly, access ...
There is more than one version of Windows installed on the partition you have selected. Windows cannot complete the upgrade. ...
There is no account configured in Windows Fax and Scan. Save this fax as draft, configure an account in Windows Fax and Scan, ...
There is no address book on this computer. Address books are included with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Windows Mail. ...
There is no analysis information in the selected database to display. Use the Analyze menu option to start using this tool. ...
There is no backup available on the storage location '%1'. Please confirm that the storage location is not corrupted, and ...
There is no backup available on the storage location. Please confirm that the storage location is not corrupted, and then ...