A call received with the following parameters: Calling party: "%1", Called party: "%2", Diversion information: "%3", Referred-By Header: "%4", Call ID "%5" was succesfully routed to "%6".
A archive mailbox will be created for '{0}'. Select between the "local archive" and "remote hosted archive" options below ...
A bad page link (error %4) has been detected in a B-Tree (ObjectId: %5, PgnoRoot: %6) of database %7 (%8 => %9, %10). For ...
A call for user %1 in dial plan %2 was rejected, because no legacy server could be found to handle a call for this user. ...
A call for user %1 was received in dial plan %2. The user is on a legacy mailbox, and the dial plan doesn't have any legacy ...
A call received with the following parameters: Calling party: "%1", Called party: "%2", Diversion information: "%3", Referred-By ...
A call was received with the following parameters: Calling party: "%1", Called party: "%2", Diversion information: "%3", ...
A categorizer forward loop was detected. The 'targetAddress' attribute is set on a mailbox-enabled user. This is a common ...
A certificate '{0}' was found for thumbprint '{1}', but its Private Key was not present. This usually happens when certificate ...
A certificate using the thumbprint '{0}' specified in the UMCertificateThumbprint property of the '{1}' object wasn't found. ...