%11Database Notification Monitor could not start the SMS Backup service on server %1.%12 Possible cause: You changed the service setting for the SMS Backup service, but forgot to notify SMS. Solution: Use Configuration Manager Setup to modify the installation of the site. Possible cause: Database Notification Monitor does not have sufficient access rights to administer the site server. Solution: Verify that the server connection accounts are properly configured to allow the Database Notification Monitor to administer the site server.%0
Custom action '[2]' has caused an unhandled exception and has been stopped. This may be the result of an internal error in ...
Data Corruption Warning If the site being introduced into the hierarchy is using a site code that was previously used within ...
Data gathering failed because the specified source hierarchy is not a supported version for migration to the destination ...
Data gathering failed because the specified source hierarchy is not a supported version for migration to the destination ...
Database Notification Monitor could not start the SMS Backup service on server %1.%12 Possible cause: You changed the service ...
Database Notification Monitor failed to copy file smsxp.dll from the \SMS\bin\i386 directory to its required place in the\Windows\system32 ...
Database Notification Monitor failed to execute database maintenance SQL Server command "%1".%12 Possible cause: The SQL ...
Database Notification Monitor failed to execute database maintenance task "%1".%12 Possible cause: A SQL Server problem prevented ...
Database Notification Monitor failed to install trigger "%1" in the site database.%12 Possible cause: Either table "%2" or ...