%1!s! [ [name = ] server ] Displays detailed information about an authentication server. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS server If no server name is provided, all configured authentication servers will be displayed.
s! mode = ALL|SERVERONLY Specifies whether NBF network traffic from any client will be forwarded to the network(s) to which ...
s! mode = ENABLED|DISABLED Specifies whether to enable or disable broadcast name resolution using NetBIOS over TCP/IP. mode ...
s! mode = STANDARD|NODCC|BYPASS Sets the mode that determines whether and when dialin clients should be authenticated. mode ...
s! name = server Displays detailed information about an accounting server. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS ...
s! name = server Displays detailed information about an authentication server. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS ...
s! name = server secret = secret init-score = InitialScore port = port timeout = timeout messages = ENABLED|DISABLED Provides ...
s! name = server secret = secret init-score = InitialScore port = port timeout = timeout signature = ENABLED|DISABLED Provides ...
s! name = username dialin = PERMIT|DENY|POLICY cbpolicy = NONE|CALLER|ADMIN cbnumber = callback number Sets user Remote Access ...
s! name = username mode = PERMIT|REPORT Displays user Remote Access properties. username - the user's logon name. If none ...