String "%1" for property "%2" contains at least one of the following characters that is not valid: ` ~ ! @ # $ %% ^ * ( ) + = [ ] { } | \ / ; : " ' < > , . ?
String "%1" contains at least one of the following characters that is not valid: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ ( ) + = { } | \ / ; : " ...
String "%1" for property "%2" contains at least one of the following characters that are not valid: ` ( ) { } | \ / ; : " ...
String "%1" for property "%2" contains at least one of the following characters that are not valid: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ ( ) + ...
String "%1" for property "%2" contains at least one of the following characters that are not valid: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ ( ) + ...
String "%1" for property "%2" contains at least one of the following characters that is not valid: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ ( ) + ...
String value indicating the configuration of the assembly, such as Development or Deployment. The runtime does not use this ...
String value indicating the name of the file that contains either the public key (if using delay signing) or both the public ...
String value specifying a default alias to be used by referencing assemblies. This value provides a friendly name when the ...
Strong name of the BizTalk assembly for which to export the binding file. If this argument is supplied, you do not need to ...