PXE and Multicast are no longer enabled on this distribution point. Do you want Configuration Manager to remove Windows Deployment Services from this distribution point?
Processes the CcmDCOMAplication table and checks to see if the DCOM Component is being updated. If so, passes that information ...
Provisioning failed because of an unsupported provisioning scenario. 12 Possible causes: WinHTTP Proxy is being used between ...
Provisioning for %1 %2 failed due to all accounts failed to authentication with target device.%12 Possible cause: The remote ...
Provisioning for %1 %2 failed due to an improper or missing provisioning certificate.%12 Possible cause: This condition is ...
PXE and Multicast are no longer enabled on this distribution point. Do you want Configuration Manager to remove Windows Deployment ...
PXE control manager could not update its settings to the new values.%12 Possible cause: PXE may be overloaded. Solution: ...
PXE Control Manager detected PXE service point is not responding to PXE requests. The error is %1.%12 Possible cause: PXE ...
PXE Control Manager detected PXE service point is not responding to PXE requests. The status code and text is %1, %2.%12 ...
Query rule "{0}" is invalid. The rule may be based on a Hardware Inventory class not collected at the destination, or be ...