The DimAttributeFiscalEstablishment_BR view contains the fields that allow the FiscalEstablishment_BR table to be used as a financial dimension.
The difference between the amount in box 54 and the sum of boxes 01],[02], and 03], multiplied by the corresponding VAT-rates ...
The difference between the amount in case 55 and the sum of cases 84], 86], and 88], multiplied by the corresponding VAT ...
The difference between the sum of boxes 56 and 57 and the sum of boxes 85 and 87], multiplied by the corresponding VAT-rates, ...
The digits in the company identification number (UID) are not valid. Enter the correct UID using the 'CHE-123.456.789' format ...
The DimAttributeFiscalEstablishment_BR view contains the fields that allow the FiscalEstablishment_BR table to be used as ...
The DimAttributeOMRentalLocation view contains all records from the OMOperatingUnit table that are marked as Rental Location. ...
The dimension %1 from specified tracking dimension group cannot be used in company %2. The Release products procedure was ...
The dimension %1 is used in the analysis view %2. You must therefore retain the dimension to keep consistency between the ...
The dimension focus cannot be selected. It contains dimensions that are used as a filter on the existing layout elements. ...