Ensure that the LUN, which contains virtual machine %VMName;, is unmasked to virtual machine host %VMHostName;. Then try the operation again.
Ensure that the InstanceMinimumCount is less than or equal to the DefaultInstanceCount, and that the DefaultInstanceCount ...
Ensure that the load balancer template is connected to network adapters in the service tier template with a static IP address. ...
Ensure that the load balancer template is connected to network adapters in the service tier template with a static MAC address. ...
Ensure that the load balancer template is connected to network adapters in the service tier template with MAC spoofing enabled. ...
Ensure that the LUN, which contains virtual machine %VMName;, is unmasked to virtual machine host %VMHostName;. Then try ...
Ensure that the Microsoft Cryptographic Service has been installed on the VMM management server and try the operation again. ...
Ensure that the Microsoft Virtualization Reports management pack is installed and the reports are present under Microsoft.Virtualization.Reports ...
Ensure that the non-customizable template does not contain application profiles, SQL Server profiles, or operating system ...
Ensure that the P2V agent is installed on %ComputerName; and that the P2V agent service is running, and then try the operation ...