This wizard helps you create an interactive table or chart that summarizes your data so that you can analyze it in several ways. In this step, you first select the data source for your PivotTable report or PivotChart report. Next, you select the type of report you want to create. For more information, click a button below.
This Wizard creates the type of the text box automatically. After creating, you can change the setting on its property window. ...
This wizard enables working with records from a data source to create a new catalog merge template for use with multiple ...
This wizard helps you associate a print view that you created in Word with your form template. For more information about ...
This wizard helps you create a form that can be used to collect common types of input from users, and save the results to ...
This wizard helps you create an interactive table or chart that summarizes your data so that you can analyze it in several ...
This wizard helps you replace resources assigned to tasks in your project based on skills defined for assignments and skills ...
This wizard helps you specify a data connection for submitting the form to a document library on a SharePoint site. The form ...
This wizard helps you specify an XML Schema, XML data file, database, or Web service as the data source for the form template. ...
This wizard is going to create a folder with all the files needed to create an install CD. Pick a destination for that folder. ...